Special Interest Groups

An email discussion has started to see how many people are interested in building one or both of the following:


  1. A metro-wide network, capable of moving bits independent of existing wired networks

    The goal is to create a stand-alone, free, network capable of moving large numbers of bits around the Twin Cities; including areas where broad-band is not a viable option.

    This network may host services such as ftp servers, gaming servers, etc etc.

  2. Coordinated hot-spot deployment

    The goal is to provide wireless Internet access throughout the Twin Cities. Upstream connection from the hot-spot to the Internet may be wired or wireless. Provide a common authentication interface, and standardized client configs.

    On a related note, the deployment map is available online at: http://maps.tcwug.org

    And see the newsgroup post about accessing the website at:


Basically, the group is looking to get a roll-call of people interested in contributing time, know-how, bandwidth, enthusiasm, <whatever> to groups working towards each goal.


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